Monday, September 5, 2011

Brett Rogers: "Dana White needs to man up and pick up the phone"

Former Strike Force Heavyweight contender Brett Rogers speaks about his June 30 arrest for domestic violence and has something to say to Dana White: "I’m fighting for my family, to put food on the family. Every second I’m fighting, I’m thinking about my family and how I can better their lives. Everything got blown out of proportion. It’s over and done with. My attorney is taking care of business and making sure things are straight and that I’m home where I need to be so I can provide. [The UFC] could have given me a little more respect. I got out of jail and tried calling them, but no one picked up the phone or returned my calls. I felt like people were just avoiding me, so I gave up. Dana White needs to man up and pick up a phone. UFC isn’t the only thing out there. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fight out East in Asia. I’m hoping something like that can happen down the line. I’m going to keep my options open."

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