Monday, July 18, 2011

Cung Le vs Chris Leben possible for UFC 138

Cung Le said he is Interested in Fighting Leben in San Jose. He also Says:

"I would like to have a couple of fights in the UFC. I'm one of those guys that, if it's going to be an exciting fight and a good match-up for the fans to watch, let's get it on. I have nothing to prove, so I'm down to fight anyone if it's going to be exciting for the fans to watch. Right now, it's all up to the UFC. Ever since I heard that Cain [Velasquez] was going to be fighting in San Jose ... I would love to be on the same card. You know, on Yahoo! Sports, there is a Cung Le vs. [Chris] Leben thread if there was a cross promotion. Like I said, if the fans think it is an exciting fight for them to watch, I'm all for it."

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